Happy Holidays! (and surgery update)

Happy Holidays, Folks! If spending time with your family brings you joy, I sincerely wish for you to be able to do that this holiday season. For the rest of us, well, yeah . . . . Anyhoo, I will get the orders sitting in the queue out in the next day or so. Surgery: MRI showed that there was no need for neck surgery, so that was a relief. I had the cubital tunnel surgery on Friday (nope, autocorrect is not at work here, I already had bilateral carpal tunnel surgery in the early aughts). All seems to have...
Product availability & Shipping update

Folks, I am happy to report that all back orders created by our attendance at PRGE (Portland Retro Gaming Expo) have been shipped. Whew! That was really becoming difficult for many reasons. On a related note, as some of you have noticed, a lot of things are noted as "out of stock." As you already know from the prior blog post, you can email me to see if when it will come back into stock. HOWEVER COMMA there is something else going on as well. I am not usually one to share personal crap, but this bears on the business,...
Change of Pace: READ ME
Folks, We are still recovering from PRGE. It was great and successful, but, in the words of Roger Murtaugh (Danny Glover), "I'm getting too old for this shit!" Very long hours and very heavy boxes. We will be at another local (Sacramento) show in December, so come see us there! Also, there is more shit coming up. Not sure of the details yet, but will keep y'all apprised. As a result of this Bad or Very Bad Shit (thus, the 'not sure' part), I am changing the website a bit. If you see something out of stock and you...
We're prepping for (and recovering from) the Portland Retro Gaming Expo (PRGE) 13-15 October
Folks, As of Noon on 02 October, we are prepping for PRGE. We are finishing up the orders that snuck in over the weekend (and two that have been tasking me for quite some time now). Once those get shipped, we will be preparing to transport a UHAUL full of Retro stuff to Portland. Arcade games, a Jaguar Kiosk (and my mostly complete Jaguar game collection), as well as many many more things. Hundreds of PS Vita games, thousands of PSP games. A Nintendo 64DD as well as a Famicom Keyboard and BASIC cart. We have TONS of stuff. Come...
I GOT COVID-19 AGAIN (for the 5th time!)

So, I got COVID on Friday. Again. I am in the 5 timers club now. Do I get a jacket? I will try to process orders and get them out, but I am still testing positive as of today (05 SEP 23), so I am constrained in what I can do. For those of you that refuse to wear a mask, um, you can piss right off. Wear your damned face diaper and keep your nasty nose diarrhea where it belongs. ALSO, barring COVID for a sixth time, we will be at PRGE! October 13-15, 2023 at the Portland Convention Center....