PIC2JOY PIC Chip Programmer for Atari 800/XL/XE
Ever wish that your A8 could transform into a programming tool for those Microchip PIC MCU's that everyone's using for embedded projects now days? Well even if this never crossed your mind, it did for a couple of guys on AtariAge, thus setting off on a journey that resulted in the JOY2PIC Programmer.
So how exactly does this work? Through the use of a voltage tripler, one of the joystick's 4 I/O lines is translated into what a PIC chip needs to initiate In Circuit Serial Programming. The other 3 bits of I/O are then used to communicate with the PIC, and through the use of a custom A8 software program, re-flash the program memory space with your choice of firmware (more info on PIC ICSP).
This version requires an ICSP interface. If you do not have one, consider purchasing the PICSTICK