The Brewing Academy
CompactFlash cards for XEL/XLD/CF2XXX/Incognito/SiDE2
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I have been getting requests for some known good CompactFlash cards for the various hard drive interfaces out there. As such, we are offering them here for your purchase. They come in various sizes, but the all have the following in common:
Fully Formatted and partitioned with the latest version of FDISK for use on the A8
Partitions have been formatted with SDX
Partitions have been set up as D5-DH, DJ-DO ("oh," not zero). I skip DI (D9) because that is the default RAMDisk.
They have all been tested in XLD/XEL, Incognito, CF2XXX and SiDE2. If you want to make sure they work with whatever you want them to work in, please send a note along
NOTE: if you are using two simultaneously, you MUST be using F-series chips on your interface.
They are 15MB/s or slower!
Let us know if you have questions
NOTE: Your CompactFlash card may vary in manufacturer, but it will be tested and working.