TBA's Ultimate-A8 SD Cartridge for Atari 400/800/XL/XE & 1088XEL/XLD
THESE ARE THE LAST 10 CARTS. I WILL NOT be making any more after this.
What is the Ultimate Cart?
This is a SD-based flash cart that will load a variety of ROM, CAR, and XEX files from a menu. It has a very wide range of uses and will work on ANY Atari 8-bit machine (400/8008600XL/800XL/1200XL/XEGS/65XE/800XE/130XE/1088XEL/1088XLD and, if you have them, a 1400XL or 1450XLD!)
Assuming that the machine you are putting the Ultimate cart into has the RAM to run the program, the Ultimate cart will run it. I have yet to come across an XEX or CAR or ROM file it could not load. Put away your stacks of AtariMAX carts—you can put all of those files on to one SD card!
This cartridge works on modified and unmodified machines. If you need files to run on it, consider purchasing our Ultimate A8 SD card!
For examples of what the color options look like, view this file.
Reviews: https://youtu.be/boKoviE7C8E
I am often asked what the differences between these two cartridges are. Although they are very similar, both have features unique to them and are useful to a variety of users.
Ultimate-A8 ($104.99 and up)
This is a Full Sized SD-based flash cart that will load a variety of ROM, CAR, and XEX files from a menu. It has a very wide range of uses and will work on ANY Atari 8-bit machine (400/8008600XL/800XL/1200XL/XEGS/65XE/800XE/130XE and, if you have them, a 1400XL or 1450XLD!)
Assuming that the machine you are putting the Ultimate cart into has the RAM to run the program, the Ultimate cart will run it. I have yet to come across an XEX or CAR or ROM file it could not load. Put away your stacks of AtariMAX carts—you can put all of those files on to one SD card!
If you still have questions: https://www.thebrewingacademy.net/UltA8Manual.pdf
The UnoCart is an Atari cartridge emulator and XEX file launcher. It supports files up to 128k in size. If your machine has 64k or more, it will run ATR (disk image) files. Important note – many ATRs will run correctly from the UnoCart. However, any programs that attempt to use the RAM under OS will not work, nor will any software that does not use the standard OS SIO calls.
Ultimate: runs any CAR/ROM/XEX file you can find so long as your computer has the RAM to support it. Runs on any machine modified, stock, 400/800/XL/XE/1088
UNO-A8: runs CAR/XEX files less than or equal to 128k in size. Will run basic ATR files. Only operates on an XL/XE/1088.
BOTH: You can use any size uSD or SD card with either cartridge. They must be formatted FAT32. We recommend SanDisk name brand cards.