"Ninja Nerd" Prototype Reproduction
"Ninja Nerd" Prototype Reproduction
About all of the Lynx games for sale here:
I acquired a set of floppy disks that contained prototypes for the Atari Lynx recently and wanted to make them available for everyone to play on real hardware. There are 95+ files across the 8 disks. They came from someone who had a legal reason to have them and gave them to me.
These are high-grade reproductions. They are playable in either a Lynx I or a Lynx II without any problems whatsoever ever. I have had the labels professionally produced and have made the shells on my most detailed 3d printer.
I think they turned out GREAT! (Note: the shells will be grey-dark grey, not black)
You can enjoy these now for a very low price and they will be around for years to come and not locked up in someone's treasure chest.
About the game itself:
This is a platformer. There are specific details about which levels are finished completely and which are not (It states five levels!) To see it, you just let the game scroll through and tell you the specifics. I have been told this became "Fat Bobby," but these are two VERY different games. The only similarity I see is that both are platformers and they were coded at the same studio. You be the judge
COMLYNX: This cartridge will NOT ComLynx.
Gameplay video: https://youtu.be/b1KBSkQ5Ous