January 11, 2021 COVID update

Just wanted to give you all an update:


So, after a chest x-ray and other things, I got diagnosed with COVID-induced pneumonia.  Which sucks.  I am on Prednisone and antibiotics for the next 10 days.

Also, today, one of my workers, came into work without checking their COVID test results and worked for an hour with everyone before checking their results.  Yes, you guessed it, he was positive. So, I have to close the office again for another ten days.  SOOOOOO happy with how 2021 is shaping up. Although, honestly, this all started in 2020, so its really its fault.

Nonetheless, blaming the calendar aside, I am hopeful to be back amongst everyone *just* in time for the world to fall apart on 20 January. Yay?

Hope to type at you from my desk and not from a remote login soon.


ALL ORDERS HAVE BEEN PROCESSED as of Order #3196.  I am going into the office tomorrow for a little bit (until I devolve into a coughing fit) and will get as many packages I can out the door. Thankfully, everything is in stock so it is just a matter of putting it in the boxes.

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