He's HERE!

Well, folks, we are back from SoCal.  All orders except for one has shipped out and we are in the process of taking care of that.

A couple of updates:

  1. All new 2600-UNO carts will be on the new boards (blue, ENIG).  Also, for the foreseeable future, all chips will be of the 1Mbit variety, not that it matters AT ALL, but some people care about these things!  We are currently building those this weekend (27Apr), so there will be a slight delay in shipping on those.
  2. UNO-A8 carts need to go into production.  They will happen *ahead* of the UNO-2600.
  3. 1088XLD units are currently in beta.  I am negotiating for a large stock of 1050 cases, so we can have a steady supply of them.
  4. The Bates Motel BBS is back up.  However, we are still looking for a Co-SysOp.  If you want to have a LARGE influence in how the Motel looks (and be called "Mother"), then this is the gig for you.  It pays absolutely nothing, but there is a large power complex in there for you!  If interested, email me at macorire@thebrewingacademy.com
  5. eBay auctions will be starting up again soon.  When they do, the prices will be raised to reflect the cost of eBay.  The prices here will either remain the same or be lowered.  The reason for this is that eBay charges 10% on ALL transactions as well as 10% on ALL shipping fees received.  So, shopping here will be to your benefit. For example, FG99 cartridges are $74.99.  They will go up to $84.99 ON EBAY, but remain $74.99 here.

If you have ANY questions, just me know.

Currently looking for information on:

  1. PCB schematics for Jaguar cartridges
  2. PCB schematics for Lynx cartridges
  3. STL files for Jaguar and Lynx cartridges
  4. Products to produce
  5. 2600 or A8 software titles to publish
  6. Label, box, catalog printer


NEXT EXPO:  PRGE, Portland, Oregon, USA, 18-20 October 2019.




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