Garage Sale: March 21-23, 2025 at TBA in Woodland!


The Brewing Academy is having a garage sale!

This will feature everything that is not tied down and is not necessary for continued operations.  Now you might ask what that entails.  Well, that's difficult to describe.  Think of it like Weird Stuff Warehouse (RIP) that was in Sunnyvale, CA for many years.  Unlike all those other garage sales you go to HOPING for retro stuff, you KNOW you will find it here! ALSO< unlike those other garage sales, WE TAKE CREDIT CARDS! (hmm, maybe that's not a good thing for you . . . . ).

We will have hardware and software and everything in between.  Want a stack of Ultimate Carts that failed testing and I have not gotten around to fixing?  $40 a pound! OR LESS?!  Broken XBox One?  Sure, take a stack!  LaserActive that just doesn't quite work?  Sure, make me an offer on all five! Atari Stacy that is not quite working?  Take a dozen! Coin-ops?  Yes!  Coin "non-ops"?  Oh, yeah!  PSP, PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Wii, Vectrex, Saturn, Dreamcast, Game Gear, PC-Engine, MSX games and hardware?  YES!!!!!

To be clear:  There is/are A LOT of Good Working items.  There is/are a LOT of "could be fixed, but don't have the time" items.  There are very few "I should throw this out" items or I would have done so already.

If you want to know if we might have "such and such," then reply to this thread and I will post a picture of it and its general location.

Anyhoo, here's how it's going to work:

1.  Over the next few weeks, I will be adding pictures to this thread about what is available for you to peruse.

2.  There will be no set prices, you make an offer and I will either take it or give you a counter and negotiate from there.  I am going to be *VERY* flexible. I don't have ANY prices in mind. Make me an offer I can't refuse.  I need it gone.  The accumulated dust on it will be yours to keep.

3.  You MUST take it with you.  No "hold this for me."  First Come, First Serve.

4.  I have to charge 8% sales tax.  But, **IF YOU PAY CASH** I will work it out of what we agree on.  So, if we agree something is $20, it's $20 from you and $18.51 to TBA and $1.49 to California.  But DEFINITELY NO RETURNS.

4a.  If you pay by credit card, I just can't eat the sales tax.  They already charge 3-4% for me to take your credit card, so, let's just say 5% discount off the agreed upon price and you pay the sales tax on that.

5.  Unless the item is already made and ready to go, normal TBA items will not be available for sale.

6.  We will open from 9 - 5 Fri/Sat/Sun, March 21, 22, & 23, 2025.  If you show up earlier, you will be waiting in the cold. DO NOT COME before 9 am Friday March 21.

7.  Please no phone calls.  No emails.  All queries should be directed to this thread.  DO NOT COMMENT ON THIS POST, I will NOT see it.

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